Deeply Understand Your Clients With The Click Of A Button

The first behavioral finance tool designed to help advisors
dentify, track, and grow clients’ core values, beliefs, and goals.


Clients are anxious about passing on their wealth

Your clients work hard to prepare wealth for their heirs, and often neglect to prepare their heirs for wealth.

We’re in the middle of the greatest wealth transfer in human history.

Baby Boomers care less about getting an extra 1.3% return on their investments, and more concerned Wealth Transfer Freedom:

Confidence that their heirs are so self-reliant, self-sufficent, productive, and mature that they don’t need an inheritance…

With reassurance that heirs are so intentioned, directed, and purposed that they’d be comfortable leaving them everything.

Heirs are unprepared

Clients don’t have a plan

Investors want direction

Clients want to feel understood

They want a personalized investment plan

They’ll go elsewhere to get what they need


Give every client a deeply personalized, high-net-worth experience

“The families who are most successful at growing and transferring their wealth know who they are, what they value, and what they believe.

David York & Andrew Howell, COREnology co-founders
Entrusted: Building a Legacy That Lasts

Improve your meeting efficiency

Speed up your intake and meeting prep. COREnology reports help you begin your meetings focused on what really matters most to your clients.

Connect with the next generation

70%+ heirs fire their parents’ advisor after inheriting their wealth. Our assessments helps you connect with the next generation now.

Meet your fiduciary obligations

Only when you understand what your clients value most can you act in their best interest. We help you connect their values to their fianances.

Personalize your financial advice

Over 90% of clients say they want more personalized financial advice. We help you create a game plan without any extra work.

Provide a consistent, scalable client experience

Protect your brand reputation by giving every client a consistent experience. Give advisors a powerful framework and set of tools.

Improve client communication

COREnology gives you a valuable opportunity to meaningfully connect with clients throughout the year.

Companies who work with us

Blue Trust

What it looks like

The COREnology reports

Use our reports individually or paired together as part of your onboarding process, an opportunity to touch base with clients, or as a fee-for-service product.


Values drive what we do and how we act.

When we act in a way that aligns with the values we believe in, we feel satisfied, confident, and content with ourselves. Our core values can become a “to-be” list—a list of who we are and what we hold as essential and directional. 

Understanding our core values can also protect us from the tyranny of the urgent.



Wealth, in all its forms, is most effectively and powerfully transferred from one generation to the next by families who engage in meaningful communication, are cohesive and connected with each other, have a clear sense of identity and purpose, and are intentional about the impact they want to have in the world.


How we experienced money as a child and how we acquired our wealth has a tremendous impact on how we view the financial wealth that we possess today and what we plan to do with that wealth.

Start a conversation between couples so they can better understand themselves and each other as it relates to money and wealth and in particular how to plan for the transfer of that wealth during life or at death.



While it’s true that we can do almost anything in life, it’s equally true that we cannot do everything.

Identify the top 10 areas that you would like to see meaningful improvement in your life and/or the lives of your family over the course of the next 12 months.


There are three potential roadblocks that, to the extent they exist within a family, must be addressed or they will impede effective wealth use today and wealth transfer in the future.

Until you understand these roadblocks, you may only be dealing with symptoms and not solutions.

Got QUestions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Click a question to expand and see the answer.

Most financial advisors use COREnology to provide value for their clients in 3 different ways:

  1. Onboarding questionnaire
  2. Quarterly meetings
  3. Fee-for-service experience

Our advisors find that when clients start talking about their COREvalues, they don’t want to stop.

We provide you with virtual training to help you feel comfortable and confident when facilitating a COREnology readout.

Additionally, the COREnology reports have a lot of built-in recommendations, suggestions, and tools for clients who want to improve different aspects of their lives and relationships—making your job even easier.

Historically, deep-diving, personalized intergenerational legacy planning conversations required an enormous commitment of time and expertise on the part of the advisor and the client. As such, it was an experience reserved exclusively for high-net-worth clients.

The suite of COREnology tools has simplified the process, making this type of wealth conversation easily accessible and affordable for all involved. Now. you can offer this powerful, custom experience to every family you work with.

You can offer all of the reports to your clients all at once, and provide them with a comprehensive readout as part of your intake process, or as a fee-for-service experience.

Alternatively you can break up the reports and offer them individually (or grouped) at the time you think it would be most useful for your clients.

Many advisors use one or two assessments as part of their information-gathering process during client onboarding. They reserve others for milestones, updates, or follow-up appointments.

Each COREnology assessment takes roughly 5 minutes for a client to complete—except the COREvalues assessment, which might take between 10 and 15 minutes. (Clients often put a lot more thought into each question.)

If you’re administering all of the assessments at once, we recommend setting an expectation of roughly 30 minutes to respond to every question.

If heirs are completing their assessment, it should only take 10-15 minutes.

In addition to preparing wealth for families, the COREnology tools help advisors prepare families for wealth.

These reports will help you engage a disengaged spouse, and build deep connections with the adult heirs of your clients.

COREnology was designed to be utilized by any type of trusted advisor.

If you’re a therapist, clergy, or coach, you can use the COREnology tools to help your clients or congregants to gain clarity around who they are, what they value, and what they believe as individuals and as a family.

The COREnology tools are incredibly versatile and can be used to inform, guide, and inspire any type of client—though the tools were built specifically to help clients who want to develop and leave behind an intentional and meaningful legacy.

We’ve developed a version of the product specifically for assessing any team’s individual and shared values, and measuring their culture.

Executives use this tool to define their own core values, and to create a company mission statement based on those values.

Managers are using these tools to better understand how to better manage, incentivise, and connect with individual employees.

HR teams are using COREnology to help them find —but to find candidates who possess complimentary values to the team they’ll be working with, and to better measure and benchmark the quality of communication, cohesion, identity, and impact within the business.


Here’s what people are saying…

Use our reports individually or paired together as part of your onboarding process, an opportunity to touch base with clients,
or as a fee-for-service product.

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